9 aprile 2024
ore 15:17
di Emi Dinopoulou
tempo di lettura
1 minuto, 13 secondi
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A high pressure system dominated much of Europe the last few days bringing a summer feeling with temperatures reaching even 28-31°C in Spain, France, parts of central Europe, southern Italy and the Balkans. A sudden change in the atmospheric circulation will bring an extreme temperature drop from the western Europe towards the northeast, as cold air masses from the Northern Atlantic Ocean are entering to western Europe today.

Today, the extreme temperature drop is influencing the western Europe, bringing a 10°C temperature drop in Spain, the UK, France and the Low Countries. In the plains of Spain yesterday the maximum temperature reached 27-30°C, while today it dropped to 22-24°C. Paris, yesterday it reached 23°C while today it dropped to 12°C, while Marseille went from 27°C to 16°C. London and other southeastern cities of England yesterday reached 16-18°C while today dropped to 9-11°C.

Tomorrow, the temperature drop will affect much of central Europe and Italy with temperatures in Germany, Poland, the Alps and the Czech Republic experiencing a 10°C temperature drop. For example, Berlin from 26°C will drop to 13°C,while Prague from 27°C to 14°C.

In the next few days, a new temperature rise will affect much of southern Europe between Friday and Monday with maximum temperatures reaching 28-30°C or exceeding in Spain.

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